What Voice Portals Mean for You

� A Competitive Edge�Add customized features to differentiate yourself from your competitors and create a "sticky" environment. Offer your customers one-stop shopping, self-service, and instant 24/7 access to their account information.

� Customer Satisfaction�Let your customers use the telephone to easily retrieve information or manage accounts using natural voice commands. Provide a friendly, efficient caller experience that surpasses today's touchtone systems. Offer convenient, flatter menus that don't lock up your customers.

� Cost Savings�Save on operator expenses and free up agent time by replacing human operators with an easy-to-use voice solution. According to a study by Goldman Sachs*, each human-assisted call costs $3-compared to the 20 cents for a call with automated response.

� More Revenue�Offer new subscription services or build revenue through advertising.

� Improved Security�Use speaker verification to validate callers' identities.

        * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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